Life Champions 2.0 in Montenegro
On Thursday, March 14, in the Media center of the City Stadium in Pljevlja, the second consecutive info day was held as part of the regional tour and the project “Life Champions 2.0 – we are all champions”. Organizer of the meeting was the football club Breznica headed by its president Zoran Vuković, and all this with the aim of presenting ideas, plans of the concept of life champions, as well as the calendar of activities for 2024, during which the main focus would be on girls and women’s sections of clubs involved.
The Media center of the City stadium was filled with coaches, parents, as well as little boys and girls. Through the projection of video material from previous activities, those present could learn more about the very concept of sports-educational activities that were being implemented, as well as the important fact that they were completely free for all participants. This meeting provided an opportunity for a deeper understanding of how sports and education can be combined for the benefit of children, offering them a life-long experience and development without financial obstacles, supporting this way the concept of the sport for all. It was also announced that the next camp would be held in Serbia in early October, and that FC Breznica team would be presented as well.
Those present were also introduced to activities aimed at coaching education. It was emphasized that continuous work had been done to improve the expertise of coaches in order to ensure the best possible management of sports activities for children and youth. This emphasis on training for coaches highlights the commitment to development of the sports sector at the local level and emphasizes the importance of a professional and empowered approach in sports pedagogy. Also, a training has been announced in Thessaloniki from April 18 to 21, which will include 40 trainers and representatives of the expert group that actively worked on development of the educational material for non-formal education in and through sport, whose application will already be seen in the following activities.
The concept of “Life Champions 2.0 – we are all champions”, which has been developing since 2021, this year places a special focus on the inclusion of girls, integration of the topic of gender equality into the educational part of the summer camps program, promotion of women’s sports and improvement of the position and visibility of girls/young women in sports in general. It is currently being developed with the support of the European Commission and the UEFA Foundation for Children, together with actors from the sports, educational and youth sectors from 9 countries.