Coaches, what are you talking about with young football players – open dialogue as the first step towards creating life champions
After launching the project and ending the press conference, project consortium held its kick-off meeting in order to define further directions of joint action and to make agreement on the activities to follow.
Meeting, led by the project coordinator Aleksandra Knežević, which was realized with full respect of the epidemiological measures in force, was attended by all members of the consortium, showing their commitment and readiness to adequately address challenges in the upcoming period.
Representatives of the faculties of sports and physical education from North Macedonia and Turkey, youth organizations from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, and football clubs from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina exchanged ideas and jointly planned the next step – a consultative meeting with 25 football coaches from 5 clubs involved. It was agreed that it would be held at the end of February, followed by an introductory meeting of the Working Group for development of educational module for work with sports coaches.
“Despite all challenges and complications due to the current epidemiological situation world-wide, we managed to come together and launch significant processes within the project – for us, this is a clear indication that we all have approached this project with the strong emotion and guided by the idea that we can really contribute to qualitative change in sports”, said Aleksandra Knežević, closing the meeting.
Project “Standing together for a healthy and safe community” is being implemented from January 1, 2021 through the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union in the field of sports.