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We jointly plan new activities for life champions

  • January 27, 2024

In order to prepare all activities planned for 2024, as well as a project proposal for the new ERASMUS+ open call in the field of sports, whose deadline is March 2024, the project team of the Life Champions’ consortium today has held its first meeting in the new year.

At the Initiative of Development Center for Youth, the meeting has gathered those who are primarily expected to contribute to the preparation and coordination of activities, but other elements of significance for development of the concept have been discussed as well – relevant statistics, primarily from the angle of missing data, as well as further promotion, in order to introduce the concept to as much as target groups and wider audience possible.

“I remind you that with the support of the UEFA Foundation for children continuation of the project named” Life Champions 2.0: We are all champions” will be implemented, putting in the forefront intense introduction of girls into the concept and strengthening gender equality in football, but I also have to add that the consortium is more than ready to further expand all significant ideas collected during 2023, which we plan to integrate into a new project proposal for the ERASMUS+ call. Creation of genuine life champions in sports requires a holistic approach to sports, as well as involvement of all that are directly concerned – children, coaches and parents, and at the meeting, we jointly concluded that the concept had the potential of spreading in a minimum of 5 new directions. The team also met to define what would be the priorities for the period 2025/26 in order to provide all necessary resources for the same in time”, stated at the end of the meeting Aleksandra Knežević, coordinator of the concept of life champions.

At this stage, the meeting gathered all those representatives of the partners with significant experience in project proposals preparation and project management, while in the next phase the focus will be on those who are in the middle of the process – coaches of the younger categories in the role of educators and pedagogues that create life champions.

The project “Creating Life Champions” will continue with its implementation with the support of the ERASMUS+ program in the field of sports and  UEFA Foundation for children, and at the same time the team will continue to expand – it is expected to include a minimum two new countries in the next project cycle.